About the American Constitutional Paradigm

Gary & Carolyn Alder
The American Constitutional Paradigm, developed and presented by Gary and Carolyn Alder, continues the quest to discover the Founding Fathers’ Freedom Formula and to understand and apply the Tools of Freedom as structured in the U.S.Constitution. In this in-depth constitutional study – the American Constitutional Paradigm we discuss the basic principles of good government.
The purpose of this website is to educate on freedom. The most valuable tool in establishing and maintaining freedom is the Constitution of the United States. The paradigm that we reference and discuss is the thinking and perspective of the Founders of this nation and the Framers of the Constitution. We are more interested in how they thought than the history of what they did. Quotes, paraphrases, and references to the statements of other individuals are used to compare or contrast their views to those of the Founders and Framers. This website does not promote any political candidate or party.
About Gary and Carolyn Alder
Gary & Carolyn Alder
Gary and Carolyn Alder are dedicated to teaching the principles of freedom. This passion takes form in producing and delivering classes, lectures and written articles about freedom in the religious, economic and political realms of our lives. To see what those who have participated in those classes have to say, press the button.
Gary is a retired computer programmer/analyst and so has a natural and professional interest in organizing component parts to match a predetermined plan or system. Carolyn is interested in sharing the specific words of the Founders of this great nation. Their words are a window to look into the hearts and minds of the Founders.
In his employment and his constitutional study, Gary often comes up with sayings that help convey an important point to further the understanding concerning certain principles. Over the years these quips and quotable statements have been assigned by Gary’s associates the name of “Alderisms”. We present for your perusal several of these sayings:
Our Ultimate Goal
While we hope that this website will be of service in building honorable representatives such as Davy Crockett in we are more interested in creating the Horatio Bunces that will hold their representatives accountable to the Constitution. That is the only way to re-establish the legacy of freedom given to us by the Founders of the nation and the Framers of the Constitution.