Welcome to FreedomFormula.us
We believe that the way to restore the Republic to its original Constitution is first and foremost to re-establish in the hearts and minds of the people–The American Constitutional Paradigm.™
The purpose of this website is to educate on the Constitution of the United States, not to promote any political candidate or party.
The paradigm that we reference and discuss is the thinking and perspective of the Founders of this nation and the Framers of the Constitution. Quotes, paraphrases, and references to the statements of other individuals are used to compare or contrast their views to those of the Founders and Framers.
The Three Realms of Our Lives
The Religious Realm: Man’s beliefs concerning his origin and destiny and how to achieve that destiny.
The Economic Realm: How we obtain the physical goods and services we use.
The Political Realm: How people deal with each other in society.
Fifteen Keys to Understanding the Paradigm of the Founding Fathers
How similar are your views to those of the Founders and the Framers of the Constitution? To understand the Constitution we must first understand what principles the Founders were trying to implement. Only then we can understand how the Constitution took the Framers toward their goal.
Why do we call them KEYS? –
to Understanding the Founders’ Paradigm