Critical Concepts to Comprehend

Why did the Framers incorporate indirect elections in the Electoral College System process of selecting presidents for the United States? (see pages 12-17, 28-33)

Why did the Framers reject the idea of a direct popular vote for president? (see pages 13, 29, 49)

How many national offices did the original Constitution authorize people to vote for directly? (see page 12)

Why was it important that the Electors not hold office or be employees of the national government? (see pages 21, 29-33)

Why is it important that the Electors be independent of any obligation to outside influence groups, lobbyists, factions, etc? (see pages 21, 77-78)

In the original design, how were electoral votes actually nominating votes? (see pages 23-24)

Why was it important that the states have a voice in the selection of Electors as well as an equal vote in the final choice for president? (see pages 17-18, 41, 77)

Why do the authors say that political parties precipitated the destruction of the electoral system? (see pages 49-53)

Why do the authors say that the 12th Amendment institutionalized party usurpation? (see page 67)